Red Rosella


The crimson rosella (Platycercus elegans) is a parrot native to eastern and south eastern Australia which has been introduced to New Zealand and Norfolk Island. It is commonly found in, but not restricted to, mountain forests and gardens. Crimson rosellas are common in coastal and mountain forests at all altitudes. They primarily live in forests and woodlands, preferring older and wetter forests. They usually keep in flocks of 20-50 species or small groups. Rosella parrots feed with grass seeds, flowers, herbs, berries, insects and larvae.

Rosella is a medium-sized parrots. The body length is 20-35 cm. the length of the tail is 15-17 cm. the colors of  rosella are very bright and vary – red, white, yellow, yellow-green, blue – the color palette and a variety of feathers depends on the species.

Platycercus elegans is a medium-sized Australian parrot at 36 cm long, much of which is tail. All races have blue cheeks and black-scalloped blue-margined wings and predominantly blue tail with predominantly red coloration. The crimson rosella’s blue tail feathers are one of the favourite decorations of the satin bowerbird. The bill is pale grey and the iris dark brown. There is very little sexual dimorphism in crimson rosellas. The most noticeable difference between genders is that males are up to 15% larger, and have a relatively larger and wider beak.

The nesting site is selected by the female. Once the site is selected, the pair will prepare it by lining it with wood debris made from the hollow itself by gnawing and shredding it with their beaks. A pair will guard their nest by perching near it at chattering at other rosellas that approach. Clutch size ranges from 4–8 eggs, which are laid asynchronously at an average interval of 2 days. The mean incubation period is 22-24 days. Only the mother incubates the eggs. The young become independent in 30 days, after which they spend a few more weeks with their parents before departing to become part of a flock of juveniles. Juveniles reach maturity (gain adult plumage) at 16 months of age.

Rosella is very quiet calm, friendly natured and is  very trusting to man. Rosella talk, but do not shine there, talking abilities have an average level: they remember few words and not long sentances.. They have a pleasant melodious voice, among all the species of parrots rosella are listed as vocalists. Lifespan of rosella is about 25-35 years. - Энциклопедия владельца птицы - Օնլայն սուպերմարկետ - Բարձր ճնշման հիդրավլիկ խողովակներ Ajax Systems - Նոր սերնդի անլար անվտանգության համակարգ